1. 我们将于2020年3月1日发布2020年计划B版,敬请关注!更多课程欢迎随时咨询:13662559069 (肖老师) 18033039821(徐老师)
Please be kindly noted that training plan B will be released on 1st Mar. 2020.More management courses please feel free to contact:13662559069 (肖老师) 18033039821(徐老师)
2. 我们将会根据市场反馈而调整公开课,如有变动,请以未来三月公开课或者近期培训信息为准!
The schedule is subject to be changed based on market feedback. Please refer to website for the UPDATED schedule.
3. 未排时间课程根据市场反馈及客户需求来确认开课或调整时间,可预报名。
The courses without specific time will be finially scheduled based on actual demands, opened for pre-apply.
4. 为保障学员学习效果,确保企业投资收益,BEST管理学院已对课程内容进行严格审查,并对讲师进行甄选和认证!
In order to protect the students' learning effect, to ensure the enterprise investment income, BEST Management Institute has conducted a rigorous review of the course content, and the instructor for selection and certification!
5. 我们非常乐意接受您来自专业方面的挑战,并藉此作为我们前进的动力!
We are open to accept your professional challenges, that will drive us to do a better.
6. 以上课程皆可根据客户需求度身订制单个课程 系列课程或者各种课程组合的 不同人员层次及各种形式的内部研讨班 进修班 集训班 研修班 提高班 训练营等培训;也可以为客户提供从培训需求调查分析 课程方案设计 课程实施到效果评估的培训整体解决方案!总之,您有任何培训需求欢迎致电:18033039821,我们将热情接受您的任何相关咨询。
We are pleased to develop customized training courses for our valuable customers, include but not limited to single and/or series training courses for various level of employees as well as seminar and/or training camps; in additional, CHANCE also provides total solution which includes training needs analysis, course design and training implementation to evaluation etc.. pls feel free to contact us at 4008061060, your consultation is warmly welcome.
7. 以上信息最终解释权归深圳市冠行管理咨询有限公司所有。
企业培训 股权密码 前沿资讯